Monday, December 12, 2005

Sometimes I Love Being Miserable ... and I'm Batman!

My close friend Will S. once claimed that "In Time We Hate That Which We Often Fear" Well, Willy, pal, then here's a list of the things I truly fear today:

  • The cat's hair in my wine
  • The fact that I haven't received my paycheck yet and Christmas is getting dangerously close
  • Someone - let's give him a random name - Jerk deciding to be just that today
  • Getting up in the middle of the night - okay, it was 6:30 am, but "middle of the night" is always defined by personal perception
  • Da peeps hoo rite lik dis in da blog an lik wan u 2 think dere ghetto
  • Stupid Intern ass at work
  • Gimp W B
  • People who don't get how damn funny I am
  • People who think they're the best thing since sliced bread ... then again....
  • bread, particularly sliced bread
  • people who are confused
  • People who make lists out of boredom
Gosh, I hate myself today. Well, not really, but I haven't had a healthy dose of teenage angst in a while. Probably 'cause I am way past my teenage years. A fact which I like to ignore from time to time. So I'll dye my hair purple again and wear those grunge clothes I so loved in the Heyday of one Kurt Cobain (some of you might have heard of him).... Yes, I hate myself and I wanna die! Does that make me more popular? (I might sneak a peek at my visitor counter later)

Homer, another buddy of mine, once argued that "There's a Time For Many Words, And There Is Also A Time For Sleep" And who am I to argue with a Greek guy?

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