Thursday, December 15, 2005

Ego Boosts and Bitchslapping Fantasies

You see, I'll take any ego boost I can get - even when it's a Which-Video-Are-You-? Quiz. Check out this:

Take the Which Madonna Video Are You Quiz.

You're more intelligent than 90% of the people you interact with. Academic and witty, you are an avid reader and thinker. You are artsy-fartsy and creative, and you have been or will be deeply inspired by the book, "Memoirs of a Geisha" and are fascinated with oriental culture and history. Many write you off as a geek, but don't listen to them. You have trouble relating to the "club-scene" and want a partner who's interested by the same topics as you. And remember: love is all we need.

Can I get a "Yeeehaw"? Okay, so I'm not actually too interested in what they call "oriental" culture. Not more than I am interested in other cultures. Let's just pretend for a little while longer, though! I really do like the part about being more intelligent than 90% of the people I interact with. I should have known that in college when I sat in a room with a whole bunch of profs, interacting with them.

On a different note: Stupid Intern Ass (SIA) from work is currently not working. The wimp fell off his bike and hurt his poor little hand. I'm pretty sure he fell asleep biking.

It doesn't happen often that I dislike people, but I do dislike SIA. I stopped giving him the benefit of "hasn't had a chance to prove himself okay yet and might just be nervous to be in a new job" after the second time he muttered crap. Shouldn't it give you a hint when your co-workers suddenly go to the bathroom much more frequently.... Just to scream! I was looking forward to bitchslapping him on his last day of work. The bastard must have sensed my cunning plan. He weaseled his way out of it. Dammit! Falling off a bike! Ha!

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