Sunday, December 11, 2005

Sometimes Streets Cannot Be Long Enough

Major Rant:
I talk a lot. Really! But I can also see when someone gets really bored. That is when I usually stop talking. Now, why? Why on earth are there people who are total losers (in my humble opinion, which, of course, is rather irrelevant), but think they are the cream of the crop? What is it about people that makes me want to tell them to shut the f*ck up, then run to my car, jump in and drive as far as I can at top speed?

Maybe I'm silly to think that you should at least know a tiny little bit about stuff before you lecture others about it. Yeah, I can be naive sometimes.

There is nothing I hate more than radical idiots who have no idea about anything, but seem to have strong opinions about it. Ignorant assholes! They are there on both ends of the opinion spectrum. I'm forced to work with this guy who is an "author", an "artist", a "politician", a "director" (this one made me laugh particularly hard), and a "media designer" (among other things). He also has no clue about anything. He lets loose the most ridiculous clichés about one country and in the next sentence complains about those "stupid" people who have cliched opinions about Germany. WTF? Get yourself some f*cking books and brush up on your general knowledge! Maybe do some thinking while you're at it! There's really hardly anyone worse than people who can't think for themselves, but are convinced they are the only ones absolutely right about anything. Keepers of the only truth. .... Someone make this person drop out of his internship, because I will soon be ready to strangle him!

/End of Rant .... This doesn't make sense to anyone, but me.

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