Saturday, July 15, 2006

Provincial Terrorism

Imagine you live in a relatively small town close to the Baltic Sea! Suddenly, people start seeing Men in Black sneaking around. You discover that all the manholes in town are welded shut (and, no, there's not been an alligator sighting or something equally "Lake Placid"-like ). Two weeks into all those strange events, the town is divided into zones. To make it easier on those "visual" people, the zones are called "red" and "yellow". The Red Zone is pretty much the whole town center and nobody but a chosen 1,000 people (that's a 5th of my imaginary readers!!!) is allowed in. Too bad you are not among the chosen ones (probably because of that stick of chewing gum you stole when you were 8). Even worse that you actually live in the first street off Town Square. You're happy it's actually summer and two or three nights under a bridge surely build character.
Every business in the Red Zone: cafes, restaurants, law practices, doctor's offices, stores ... I said "every business", right? So every business can pretty much close down for two days. All this happens: your whole town is shut down. An Alien Invasion? Kind of. ... Please welcome the President of the United States of America, George W. Bush, to Stralsund, Germany! .... And they wonder why nobody in town (but the Kempinski Hotel who housed half of the United States, it seems) was happy.... (it does explain the naming of the "zones", however. Big words needed to be avoided!) Well, we know International Terrorism is everywhere .... and if Bin Laden has lived in a cave somewhere between Afghanistan and Pakistan for years, there's always the chance he's moved into the sewer system of Stralsund now.


Ashley said...

believe me--there are A LOT of Americans who don't like him either and aren't happy when he visits our (American) cities.

I just keep telling myself...2008 is an election year, and it's not that far away...

Clare said...

So those businesses they made shut because Dubya came to town ... do they get paid leave for that? I sure hope so.