Friday, December 30, 2005

Die, Dustmite! Die, Die, Die!

Oh, I have known this all my life. Cannot wait to tell Ma Mimmelitt that Dustmites are killed off by those who never make their bed. Okay, so maybe I phrased it a tiny bit radical, but that's essentially what this article says, isn't it? By not making my bed, I have most probably saved myself from a potentially fatal allergy. I am my own hero! I should get a prize.

Oh right, before I discovered this life altering article, I meant to update on my DVD non-Date. It was nice. I laughed, I ate Olives, I told him he snores. He fiercely rejected that claim. Guess he's not the right one then!

Bedtime for me. Alone, thank you very much!


Clare said...

Ummm okay lol!

Ashley said...

I'm glad that not making your bed is FINALLY justified. I can use this defense now!!