Thursday, December 29, 2005

Am I late enough?

This is not going to end well. I just know it. Meeting at 10 pm to watch a DVD. No! No no no no no, it's NOT a date. Don't even think about arguing this point in your countless comments, all you 5,000 imaginary readers. It's just simple DVD watching... No more!

I have decided to take the car. That means some shoveling, but it also prevents any over-indulging (in alcohol, that is!). Now you see that not being at work gives me time to think about stuff I shouldn't be thinking about. Hello, Controlfreak Persona, how was your short nap?

Oh yeah, and Christmas is over. How did that happen? It always sneaks up on me and then it sneaks off equally fast and quiet.

It's just like Winter! It seems that every single year around December (give or take a month or so) there's a suprise appearance by .... snow! Even reports it. Admittedly, this doesn't mean much as they have taken to reporting on celebrity breakups and other important political events on their main page lately. In any way, Europe is up in arms about the evil snow sneaking up on us once again. Maybe it's just the aforementioned control freak in me that is aware of the season and even somehow prepared to see cold weather including ... yes, Sir! ... lots of snow! Who needs International Terrorism when that cold white stuff can attack us out of the blue every single year at roughly the same time and we still act surprised? Sheesh!

I'm off to shovel the snow from the car.

1 comment:

Clare said...

Britain is never prepared for snow and just a small covering manages to disrupt the whole country lol!