My Name is Ellen and I used to blog here
Yeah...uh.... I was abducted by aliens! Either that or I watched "Taken" one too many times. In any way: I think I lost 6 months!
Well, all you millions of readers: I am back on the planet!
While I was happily surfing from website to website, checking on all the latest news from Britney, Paris, and Lindsay, I was horrified to find an article about kids giving up social networks for lent. How horrible! No MySpace or Facebook..... Imagine having to give up all these places and being forced to ....oh .... talking to your friends in person. Or, worse, use a phone to talk to those not living in the same dorm. (I swear I know people who IM eachother while sitting on computers twenty feet apart.)
Honestly, in times when you have so many means to communicate, how tough is it to give up places such as MySpace for 40 days? Of course, I am not 16 anymore and I am not catholic, so I will never have to think of anything original to give up for lent. I just love watching people come up with all those cool things to give up. Me? I guess coffee and my weekend-glass-of-wine would be toughest. Blogging? Well, I just had six months of offtime. (the withdrawal symptoms eased after about 40 days.... Oh, wait! ... )
I guess I'll give up MySpace for the remainder of lent. Just as an act of solidarity with the poor kids. Just don't tell anyone that I never really have used my account there!
you're back!! it's been awhile, to say the least!
For lent I gave up chocolate. SOOOOOOO much worse than giving up the internet!
Good to see you're back!!!
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