Monday, May 01, 2006

About time, Google!

Can you survive another geek post? Suit yourself!

I hadn't really checked my blogroll for a couple of days. Catching up now that the withdrawal symptoms are getting far too severe. So now that I read all my favorite blogs, I find that Google seems to finally have managed Google Maps for Europe. I am impressed!

See, the thing about Google is that it seems to be releasing all those cool things one after the other. It's all geek stuff. Most people probably wouldn't be excited about it. I am, though. (I have the distinct feeling this abnormal behavior was caused by early exposure to a Commodore 64) I am, however, not impressed with Google's way of never doing stuff properly. Oh, they have chat in Googlemail now, they even finally decided that a delete button is actually a good thing to have even though your e-mail provider offers almost 3 Gigs of space. Buuuuut, chat only works when you have your account set to US-English. I love that! It doesn't even work in UK-English. I realize it must be very tough to translate it from US- to British English. Very difficult, indeed! Same thing with the "Delete" Button. How many months does one need to tranlate the word "delete" into a different language? How come the German Google Mail version just now got their own "delete" button?

My guess is that the American Google Geeks are just a bit too enthusiastic about creating new stuff while the translators probably even have a social life or something equally disgusting.

Talking about social life: I think I OD'ed on that over the weekend. I need sleep now....

(EDIT: Wow, Google Talk for Gmail was just made available for lots of "foreign" languages! ... "Foreign" meaning "not American English". That impressed me immensely again. Suddenly having the chat set to make sounds was rather inconvenient - having to scramble turning it off at work and all. ;) )


Clare said...

I love Google, especially when it's a special holiday or occasion and they make the logo extra cool :). I don't think they've discovered Care Bears yet though.

Have you discovered Google Earth yet? I haven't quite figured out how it all works yet. All my friends are geekier than me so I have some catching up to do. Can you teach me?

Ellen R Ashard said...

I e-mailed you, Claud! :)