Sunday, January 08, 2006

Back on the Nautilus - Let Me Go, Jules!

Alright, so I admit that I've always been a bookworm and a geek. Not my fault that my dad had all these shelves full of books I didn't fully understand but still loved to read. Jules Verne's books were among them. However, although I did read most of the "classics" by that French guy, I never actually enjoyed them as much as other people did. Don't know why. I just never understood the appeal of the Nautilus...

Fast Forward 17 years: I think I have a fatal addiction to Jules Verne novels. Having an advanced degree in American Studies didn't actually get me closer to loving the works of French authors. Neither did Communications or Theatre Arts. All those years in college never gave me a chance to read many novels by authors of nationalities other than US-American, Canadian or maybe British: Hell, I hardly got to read novels in my native language. I'm still not reading enough stuff like that. But I'm re-reading all my Jules Verne novels. Not in French, mind you! (I'd like to, but I will not pretend I'd understand enough of it) I do read the German translation. And here's the mystery of all this:

I actually enjoy 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and all the other geeky works.

Why, Jules, why?
What I'm wondering: Am I just getting old as I now seem to get the appeal of it all or am I having a relapse of pre-teen adventure-loving escapism? I'm confused!

1 comment:

Clare said...

Old?? Aren't you younger than me lol? Anyway I think it's fun to go back and read books you read when you were younger as you appreciate them more. It's not weird at all.

Btw are you going to post some pictures of your lovely cat?