Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Dashing Through The Snow

Can you actually dash through snow? Not counting any dashing aided by skis or other such little helpers. I don't think you can. Convince me otherwise by sending me video footage of you dashing through the snow! ... You know, be a real - what do they call them nowadays - 'citizen journalist'! (I love that term. Anyone with a crappy cellphone cam can be a journalist now! Wow! Well, it might be more credible than those real journalists 'embedded' in army units. Who are they actually kidding? But I digress...)

Yes, to answer that silent question you have been asking yourself all through the first paragraph - I still tell myself this isn't only read by me - there actually is a point to this post. It's to show you some really crappy pics. I'm the master of that. It's blurry-nism. The reason for that is a lack of a tripod and some impulsive urge to take pictures when the light is rather bad, not alcohol as you probably silently suspected.

First is the Christmas Bush sans cat. Needed to take a pic now as the cat seems to have a disastrous addiction to those twigs. My prediction is that it'll be gone by New Year's. The CB, not the cat. Nice kitty food!

Next pic is a VERY blurry one out of my window right now. See anyone dashing through the snow? I don't!

I thought there were more, but there aren't. I'm back to listening to more sentimental Christmas music. Maybe I'll eat some chips, cry a bit and then watch It's a Wonderful Life.

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