Friday, July 21, 2006

Just another addiction

I might need therapy. Just today, I figured out that I do have a problem. Admitting it to myself wasn't easy, but I was finally able to do it. I can even say it out loud now: I am suffering from the compulsive need to change my desktop wallpaper every few minutes! ... Okay, it's actually only every few days, but still.... Being addicted to ever-new wallpapers is not healthy. First, I suspected I got all screwed-up by listening to a whole album of Daft Punk again. But I realized switching to Vivaldi didn't help either. Maybe it's the heat.....

Some people may say I just need a life. However, even having a life away from my desk doesn't help. I've tried everything: reading books, visiting other countries, dating, watching TV, having that often praised social life.... nothing will help! As soon as I'm alone and near my computer, I will change the look of the desktop. I fear I'm a lost case. Thankfully, I have blogging which is great therapy. I wish I could blog a bit more today, but I'll have to go. This computer screen needs some new wallpaper!


Ashley said...

hahaha...I don't change my wallpaper as OFTEN as you do, but I still change it often. I think I go a couple months with the same desktop, or until something inspires me to change it.

Right now I have Superman on my desktop...but that was more of a superficial inspiration. hehehe.

Clare said...

I change my desktop quite often as well although like Ashley, not as often as you do :). I did have Madonna as my desktop but changed it when some friends came to visit as they'd think that was weird lol!

Thomas said...

Some people change their profile pics a lot too, Ellen. (cough...Ashley...cough)

Thomas said...

Now I am up nights wondering what that astronaut is wondering about.

Ellen R Ashard said...

I don't know, Thomas... he might be reconsidering his career choice ... or his dinner choice, his choice of outfit .... or he's thinking why he just heard a voice saying, "I'm sorry, Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that".